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Brothers Automotive

Make your car life better with you. 

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What We Can Do

We reduce the risk of using and maintaining hybrid vehicles by reducing the cost of replacing hybrid batteries, avoiding problems with the motor, using hybrid vehicles in areas where maintenance is not possible, and transporting hybrid vehicles in emergency situations.

We can stop the hybrid system and allow the vehicle to run on the engine only.

Disadvantages Of A Hybrid Car -

Higher Purchasing Cost And Complex Hybrid Tech

Due to their higher complexity, hybrid vehicles are considerably more expensive than their ICE counterparts. In addition to all the technology that is commonly installed in a conventional car, hybrid vehicles feature:

  • electric motor(s) 

  • a large battery pack

  • gear mechanisms that complement the necessities of transferring power from ICE and electric motors to the wheels 

  • substantial additional wiring

  • an enhanced cooling system 

  • a considerably more complex central computer system.

Apart from increasing the overall purchasing cost, added tech in a hybrid car can affect maintenance costs. To be specific, the maintenance might end up being surprisingly pricey if the hybrid system elements sustain any damage. Although car manufacturers offer comprehensive warranties for the hybrid parts (including the battery), with coverage for seven or more years, buying a used hybrid car still represents a particular risk. For example, replacing the damaged or worn battery can reach $6,000 outside warranty (depending on the vehicle and type of the battery).

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We are licensed in the United States, DMV approved and can issue FMVSS labels. 

Diminished Hybrid Fuel Efficiency In Cold Weather

In colder temperatures, hybrid batteries need more time to reach operating temperature. That means that the chemical reaction inside the batteries that releases energy to the electric motor reaches its peak performance much slower compared to batteries in warm weather. Simultaneously, the internal combustion motor has to provide more energy released by the fuel combustion process, which is the main reason for the increased fuel consumption of hybrid vehicles in cold weather. In a region like Utah, where winters are below freezing, this characteristic has a significant impact.

We will make your car life better.

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736 Columbia Lane, Provo, UT 84604


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